Monday, December 13, 2010

Photos on Facebook

Hello AY India Travelers,

I hope you are all doing well, recovering from Jet Lag and integrating our wonderful trip to India. I am uploading my India photos to my Facebook account but thought I should check to see if anyone has an objection to having their picture being posted. I did already post a few but I certainly can remove them if anyone would prefer not to have their picture on Facebook.

I was also wondering if we were going to establish a common photo site for people to upload and share photos from the trip.


Mindy this is pema answering direct in your post. Jugney is setting up an account today and I will email the info out as soon as I have it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mindy- Facebook photos sound good- as long as you "friend" me- on Facebook I'm Beth Mastin
