Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jet lag suggestions

I am interested in any of your strategies for dealing with jet lag. I have not been on an overseas flight for 30 years and welcome any suggestions from some of you more seasoned travelers.

I'm looking forward to embarking on this great adventure with you all!


  1. I humbly submit to the jetlag master, Nagindas Sanghavi. Naginbapa travels the world, and is always fresh as a daisy immediately upon getting out of the plane. His secret? He "hibernates" en-route. He doesn't eat, read, watch movies, etc. He closes his eyes and sleeps or dozes the entire way. My last two trips to India I've tried this, and it works quite well. I'm still not as jetlag-resistant as Naginbapa, though am approaching that resiliency.

  2. Another option is to use a homoepathic jet lag remedy. They carried one at community pharmacy, and you can speak with someone there about how to use it.
